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How do I convince household members to become Climatarian?

Start a climate change conversation. Talk to your household members and explain why you are worried about climate change. Introduce the climatarian diet to them.

Start a climate change conversation. Talk to your household members and explain why you are worried about climate change. According to a recent study, starting a conversation about climate change in your social environment can initiate a feedback loop leading to greater awareness and concern.

Recent research suggests that while the majority of Australians understand that climate change is a problem, many still need to be convinced that action is urgently required and are worried that this might be expensive, unreliable, and bad for workers. 

Here are some tips to convince your household members:

Don’t preach

Sharing your climatarian story is one thing, but when we become evangelical and tell our friends and loved ones what to do, we may lose their interest. Be a happy climatarian, but don’t make other people feel bad if they’re still finding their way or are not convinced to change their diet.

Inspire them

Prepare a delicious climatarian meal for your housemate or family members. Setting a great example for others can be a wonderful form of advocacy. This is also a good opportunity to spark a climate conversation.

Be supportive

Be patient, slowly approach the topic and try to encourage others to incorporate small habits first before making any big adjustments. You could take others with you to your local farmers market to purchase fresh seasonal and local products. 

Inform others

Discuss the five climatarian steps (listed below) and talk about how by doing them, an individual can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The steps are very simple and effective, even if your household members just start with one or two, it’s the first step toward becoming a Climatarian!

  1. Eat less red meat
  2. Choose low emission foods
  3. Eat seasonal and local
  4. Reduce food waste
  5. Avoid unnecessary packaging

If they’d like to check the facts for themselves, send them the link to this website www.GoClimatarian.com

Here are some helpful resources to start a climate conversation:

Climate Council Conversation guide: It’s easy to get into a typical conversation about the weather, however, this guide will help you talk about changing weather patterns, and climate change.

Climate for Change Conversation guide: This resource helps you to structure your climate conversation.


Goldberg, M., van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., & Leiserowitz, A. (2019). Discussing global warming leads to greater acceptance of climate science. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 116(30), 14804-14805. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1906589116

The Australia Institute’s Climate of the Nation poll in January 2020 found four in five people are very or fairly concerned about climate change. The 2020 Lowy Institute Poll found 59% of Australians view climate change as a critical threat to our national interests.

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