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  • Can’t I just keep eating red meat until the livestock industry improves its practices?


Can’t I just keep eating red meat until the livestock industry improves its practices?

No. We must change what we eat now if we want to reduce global warming. Significantly reducing your red meat intake is one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint.

Changes in the way our food is produced are some of the initiatives that should occur to help reduce anthropogenic impacts on the environment. For that, we must participate in this process of change. Support companies that are already improving their farming practices. At the same time, companies that have not yet incorporated such measures will feel pressured to adapt them to meet new consumer preferences. We as a consumer are not passive spectators, we need to participate in the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the environment. So, one of the instruments to do this is exercising your consumer power, from deciding which foods to buy to which means of transport or electrical products to choose.

Therefore, waiting until the livestock industry improves its procedures in addition to not being ecologically correct, nor will it be effective, since consumers must encourage companies to constantly seek for best practices. And the best way to encourage the sector is by consuming products with a low impact on the environment.

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